The X Workshop Lidar Measurements in Latin America (WLMLA)
The X Workshop Lidar Measurements in Latin America (WLMLA) will be held at Medellín, Colombia, from 19th to 23th November, 2018.
The WLMLA is a biannual meeting, where the Latin American's lidar researchers and students join together to share knowledge among them as well as with researchers worldwide.
The particular goals of the Workshop are to promote communication and cooperation between scientific members of the LIDAR community in Latin America, and to plan future LIDAR research projects to strength the Latin-American Lidar Network (LALINET). The basic school on lidar has become a good chance for students of Latin America over the past workshops. This event is also a great opportunity for lidar and environmental companies to contact potential clients in Latin American lidar working groups.
The host of the X WLMLA, the Lasers and Espectroscopy Group (Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Medellín) is inviting to Lidar students and researchers for getting together to discuss over future directions on this topic, and encourages to young scientists to attend and present work, ensuring the strength of the field of laser remote sensing.
School on Lidars
November 19th, 2018 – Lidar Technique and atmospheric Introduction for students at beginner level.
November 20th, 2018 – Lidar Systems and Lidar signal processing for students at middle and advanced level.
Workshop on Lidar Measurements in Latin America
- November 21th-23th, 2018 – Oral presentations and posters sessions on Lidar topics and remote sensing applications.
- November 21th, 2018 – Special Section on LALINET.
Main topics:
- Lidar technologies and methods
- Lidar applications in environmental sciences
- Lidar Networking
- Synergy between lidar and others instruments
- Regional and international cooperation in lidar technologies
- Remote Sensing applications
- Dr. Omar Torres
rsch ast, atmospheric chemistry & dyn | NASA/GSFC - Dr. Pablo Ristori
Institute of Scientific and Technical Research for Defense CITEDEF - Dr. David Winker
CALIPSO Principal investigator | NASA - Dr. Claudio Mazzoleni
Physics Department and Atmospheric Science Program | Michigan technological University - Dr. Juan Antonio Bravo
GFAT Atmospheric Physics Group | Universidad de Granada - Dr. Eduardo Landulfo
Center for Laser and Applications | Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares IPEN - Dr. Henrique Barbosa
Departament of Applied Physics | University of São Paulo USP - Dr. Juan Carlos Antuña-Marrero
GOAC Grupo de Optica Atmosferica de Camaguey | Instituto de Meteorología INSMET - Dr. Nobuo Sugimoto
Center for Environmental Measurement and Analysis | National Institute for Environmental Studies