Latincrypt 2025 – Call for Papers
Download Call For Papers here.
Latincrypt 2025 is the Ninth International Conference on Cryptology and Information Security in Latin America, and is organized by Universidad Nacional de Colombia and Universidad EAFIT, in Medellín, Colombia, in cooperation with IACR, the International Association for Cryptologic Research. Latincrypt 2025 seeks original contributions on all technical aspects of cryptology, including, but not limited to: symmetric and public-key primitives, symmetric and public-key cryptanalysis, cryptographic protocols, security notions and models, formal methods, software and hardware implementations and their security, applied cryptography and privacy, as well as cryptologic aspects of network security, complexity theory, information theory, coding theory, number theory, and quantum computing.
Important dates
Abstract submission: |
May 5th 2025, 23:59 AoE |
Paper submission: |
May 9th 2025, 23:59 AoE |
Notification: |
July 18th 2025 |
Camera-ready: |
Aug 1st 2025 |
Note that no new submissions will be accepted after the abstract submission deadline.
Submission server
Instructions for authors
Submissions must not substantially duplicate work that any of the authors has published elsewhere or has submitted in parallel to any other conference or workshop with formally published proceedings. Submissions must be anonymous, with no author names, affiliations, acknowledgments, or obvious references. Each submission must be written in English, and should begin with a title, a short abstract, a list of keywords, and an introduction that summarizes the contributions of the paper at a level appropriate for a non-specialist reader. Submissions must be typeset using LaTeX using the unmodified Springer LNCS style file. The final versions of accepted papers will be published as a volume of Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.
The page limit for submissions is 30 pages, not counting references. Authors can include clearly marked supplementary material either after the references or in a separate file, but reviewers are not required to read this material, and they may or may not take it into account when judging the merits of papers. The same page limit (excluding supplementary material) will apply to the final versions of papers. Submissions not meeting these guidelines risk rejection without consideration of their merits.
All papers must be submitted electronically through the submission system of Latincrypt 2025. Late submissions and non-electronic submissions will not be considered. No new submissions will be accepted after the abstract submission deadline. The format for the abstract is the same as for the main paper, except only the abstract should be included. Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their paper will be presented at the conference.
As in previous editions, accepted papers will be published in Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science, and proceedings will be made available at the conference (Instructions about the preparation of a final proceedings version will be sent to the authors of accepted papers).
Conflicts of interest
During submission, authors will have to indicate conflicts of interest with members of the program committee. Latincrypt 2025 follows the . In short, authors have a conflict of interest with PC members:
- if one is or was the thesis advisor to the other, no matter how long ago;
- if they shared an institutional affiliation within the prior two years;
- if they published two or more jointly authored works in the last three years; or
- if they are immediate family members
Program committee
Abdelrahaman Aly |
Technology Innovation Institute |
Miguel Ambrona |
Hong Kong |
Sebastian Angel |
University of Pennsylvania |
Marshall Ball |
New York University |
Gustavo Banegas |
INRIA and École polytechnique |
France |
Magali Bardet |
University of Rouen Normandie |
France |
Thaís Bardini Idalino |
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina |
Brazil |
Paulo Barreto |
University of Washington | Tacoma |
Lejla Batina |
Radboud University |
Netherlands |
Alexander Bienstock |
JP Morgan AI Research & JP Morgan AlgoCRYPT CoE |
Allison Bishop |
Proof Trading |
Katharina Boudgoust |
CNRS, Univ Montpellier, LIRMM |
France |
Dung Bui |
IRIF, CNRS, Université Paris Cité, France |
France |
Benedikt Bunz |
New York University |
Fabio Campos |
Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences |
Germany |
Nishanth Chandran |
Microsoft |
India |
Aisling Connolly |
Switzerland |
Anamaria Costache |
Norway |
Anders Dalskov |
Partisia |
Denmark |
Bernardo David |
IT University of Copenhagen |
Denmark |
Luca De Feo |
IBM Research Zürich |
Switzerland |
Jintai Ding |
Xi'san Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China and Basques center for applied mathematics (BCAM), Spain |
China and Spain |
Andre Esser |
Technology Innovation Institute |
Diego F. Aranha |
Aarhus University |
Denmark |
Antonio Florez-Gutierrez |
NTT Social Informatics Laboratories |
Japan |
Chaya Ganesh |
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore |
India |
Juan A. Garay |
Texas A&M University |
Adria Gascon |
Valérie Gauthier-Umaña |
Universidad de los Andes |
Colombia |
Maria Isabel Gonzalez Vasco |
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid |
Spain |
Elisa Gorla |
University of Neuchatel |
Switzerland |
Lucjan Hanzlik |
CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security |
Germany |
Alejandro Hevia |
Department of Computer Science, University of Chile |
Chile |
Andreas Hülsing |
Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven & Sandbox AQ, Palo Alto |
Netherlands and USA |
Elena Kirshanova |
Technology Innovation Institute |
Lisa Kohl |
CWI Amsterdam |
Netherlands |
Markulf Kohlweiss |
University of Edinburgh and IOG |
UK |
Yashvanth Kondi |
Silence Laboratories (Deel) |
Hilder Vitor Lima Pereira |
Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) |
Brazil |
Chen-Da Liu Zhang |
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts & Web3 Foundation |
Switzerland |
Patrick Longa |
Microsoft |
Cuauhtemoc Mancillas Lopez |
Cinvestav |
México |
Elisaweta Masserova |
Carnegie Mellon University |
Kelsey Melissaris |
Aarhus University |
Denmark |
Nicky Mouha |
FedWriters |
Leah Namisa Rosenbloom |
Northeastern University |
Ngoc Khanh Nguyen |
King's College London |
UK |
Anca Nitulescu |
ENS Paris |
France |
Ariel Nof |
Technion |
Israel |
Miyako Ohkubo |
Japan |
Claudio Orlandi |
Aarhus University |
Denmark |
Elena Pagnin |
Chalmers University of Technology |
Sweden |
Daniel Panario |
Carleton University |
Canada |
Alberto Pedrouzo-Ulloa |
atlanTTic, Universidade de Vigo |
Spain |
Octavio Perez Kempner |
NTT Social Informatics Laboratories |
Japan |
Ray Perlner |
Ludovic Perret |
EPITA and Sorbonne University |
France |
Bart Preneel |
COSIC, University of Leuven |
Belgium |
Carla Ràfols |
Universitat Pompeu Fabra |
France |
Divya Ravi |
University of Amsterdam |
Netherlands |
Mariana Raykova |
Francisco Rodríguez |
Technology Innovation Institute |
Thomas Schneider |
TU Darmstadt |
Germany |
Peter Scholl |
Aarhus University |
Denmark |
Phillipp Schoppmann |
Sruthi Sekar |
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay |
India |
Luisa Siniscalchi |
Technical University of Denmark |
Denmark |
Daniel Slamanig |
Universität der Bundeswehr München |
Germany |
Daniel Smith-Tone |
Yifan Song |
Tsinghua University and Shanghai Qi Zhi Institute |
China |
Eduardo Soria-Vazquez |
Technology Innovation Institute |
Katerina Sotiraki |
Yale University |
Nick Spooner |
Cornell University |
Ajith Suresh |
Technology Innovation Institute (TII), Abu Dhabi |
Akira Takahashi |
JP Morgan AI Research & JP Morgan AlgoCRYPT CoE |
Mehdi Tibouchi |
NTT Social Informatics Laboratories |
Japan |
Muthuramakrishnan Venkitasubramaniam |
Georgetown University |
Javier Verbel |
Technology Innovation Institute |
Frederik Vercauteren |
K.U.Leuven - COSIC |
Belgium |
Alfredo Viola |
Universidad de la República de Uruguay |
Uruguay |
Fernando Virdia |
King's College London |
UK |
Chenkai Weng |
Arizona State University |
Sophia Yakoubov |
Aarhus University |
Denmark |
Arantxa Zapico |
Ethereum Foundation |
Argentina |
Contact information
Conference email:
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General co-chairs
Daniel Cabarcas
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín, Colombia
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Juan Guillermo Lalinde
Universidad EAFIT, Medellín, Colombia
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Program co-chairs
Daniel Escudero
JP Morgan AI Research & JP Morgan AlgoCRYPT CoE, USA
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Ivan Damgård
Aarhus University, Denmark
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