Escudo de la República de Colombia


The Criptolatino School and the Latincrypt Conference will take place in the main campus of EAFIT University: Carrera 49 N° 7 Sur-50, Medellín.

mapa campus eafit med full 2018 2


Medellín has two airports, the International José María Córdova airport (MDE) located at Rionegro ~20km from the city center, and the regional Olaya Herrera airport (EOH) located inside the city. MDE has direct international flights to and from Miami, Fort Lauderdale, New York, Houston, Madrid, Panamá, Mexico City, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires, Santiago, Quito, Lima, San Salvador, Santo Domingo, Caracas, among others. In addition, Bogotá's El Dorado airport (BOG) has direct flights to most of the main airports in Europe and the Americas, and the 50 minute route MDE-BOG has dozens of flights daily.


We have special rates with some hotels in the city. We will be making the information available here: