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Tree- and one-loop-level double copy for the (anti)self-dual sectors of Yang-Mills and gravity, (with D. Herrera Correa and C. Lopez Arcos)
One-loop N-point correlators in pure gravity, (with H. Gomez, R. Lipinski Jusinskas and C. Lopez Arcos).
Singular chains on Lie groups and the Cartan relations II, (with C. Arias Abad).
Chern-Weil theory for ∞-local systems, (with C. Arias Abad and Santiago Pineda Montoya). Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 377 (2024), pp. 3129-3171.
Homotopy double copy and the Kawai-Lewellen-Tye relations for the non-abelian and tensor Navier-Stokes equations, (with V. Guarin Escudero and C. Lopez Arcos). J. Math. Phys. 64, 032304, 2023.
One-loop off-shell amplitudes from classical equations of motion, (with H. Gomez, R. Lipinski Jusinskas, C. Lopez Arcos). Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 081601, 2023.
Manifest colour-kinematics duality and double-copy in the string-based formalism, (with N. Ahmadiniaz, F. M. Balli, Olindo Corradini, C. Lopez Arcos and C. Schubert). Nucl. Phys. B 975: 115690, 2022.
Color-kinematics duality from the Bern-Kosower formalism, (with N. Ahmadiniaz, F. M. Balli, C. Lopez Arcos and C. Schubert). Phys. Rev. D 104 (4): L041702-2–7, 2021.
Correction to: Geometric Reid’s recipe for dimer models, (with R. Bocklandt and A. Craw). Math. Ann., 380(1-2): 911–913, 2021.
The L∞ structure of gauge theories with matter, (with H. Gomez, R. Jusinskas and C. Lopez Arcos). J. High Energy Phys., (2021) 2021: 93.
Lecture notes on quivers with superpotential and their representations, (with Fabricio Valencia). Sao Paulo J. Math. Sci., 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40863-020-00192-2
An A∞ version of the Poincaré lemma, (with C. Arias Abad and S. Vélez Vásquez). Pacific J. Math., 302(2): 385-412, 2019.
L∞-algebras and the perturbiner expansion, (with C. Lopez Arcos). J. High Energy Phys., (2019) 2019: 10.
A U(2)×U(3) gauge theory extension of the standard model, (with R. Herrera). J. Geom. Phys., 141: 45-64, 2019.
Heat equation and stable minimal Morse functions on real and complex projective spaces, (S. Muñoz Muñoz). Rev. Colomb. Mat., 51(1): 71-82, 2017.
Geometric Reid's recipe for dimer models, (with A. Craw and R. Bocklandt). Math. Ann., 361(3-4): 689-723, 2015.
Cohomology of wheels on toric varieties, (with A. Craw). Hokkaido Math. J., 44(1): 47-79, 2015.
Boundary coupling of Lie algebroid Poisson sigma models and representations up to homotopy. Lett. Math.Phys., 102(1): 31-64, 2012.
Cellular resolutions of noncommutative toric algebras from superpotentials, (with A. Craw). Adv. Math., 229(3): 1516-1554, 2012.
Remarks on quiver gauge theories from open topological string theory, (with N. Carqueville). J. High Energy Phys., (2010) 2010: 129.
Noncommutative resolutions of ADE fibered Calabi-Yau threefolds, (with A. Boer). Comm. Math. Phys., 297(3): 597-619, 2010.
McKay correspondence for Landau-Ginzburg models. Commun. Number Theory Phys., 3(1): 173-208, 2009.
Calabi-Yau completions and orbifold equivalences, (with N. Carqueville).