Postdoctorado/Estancia postdoctoral University Of British Columbia Mathematics Agostode2008 - Juniode 2011 |
Doctorado University Of Michigan - Ann Arbor Mathematics Agostode2004 - Septiembrede 2008 Models of Twisted K-theory |
Maestría/Magister University Of Cincinnati Mathematics Agostode2003 - Septiembrede 2004 |
Pregrado/Universitario UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE COLOMBIA SEDE MEDELLÍN Matemáticas Marzode1998 - Diciembrede 2002 La Derivada Schwarziana |
Twisted equivariant K-theory of comapct Lie group actions with maximal rank isotropy. With A. Adem and J. Cantarero. Journal of Mathematical Physics 59, 113502 (2018).
Equivariant complex bundles, fixed points and equivariant unitary bordism. With A. Angel and B. Uribe. Journal of Alg. & Geo. Topology. 18, (2018), 4001-4035.
A decomposition of equivariant K-theory in twisted equivariant K-theories. With B. Uribe. International Journal of Math. 28, (2017), no. 2.
Infinite loop spaces and nilpotent K-theory With A. Adem, J. A. Lind and U. Tillmann. Journal of Alg. & Geo. Topology. 17, (2017), 869-893.
A classifying space for commutativity in Lie groups. With A. Adem. Journal of Alg. & Geo. Topology 15, (2015), 493-535.
A basis for the diagonally signed-symmetric polynomials. The electronic journal of combinatorics. Vol 20, Issue 4 (2013), P36
On the structure of the spaces of commuting elements in compact Lie groups. With A. Adem. Configuration spaces: Geometry, Combinatorics and Topology. Publications of the Scuola Normale Superiore, Vol. 14, (2013), 1-26.
Actions of K(π,n) spaces on K-theory and uniqueness of twisted K-theory. With B. Antieau and D. Gepner. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 366, (2014), 3631-3648.
Equivariant K-theory of compact Lie group actions with maximal rank isotropy. With A. Adem. Journal of Topology 5 (2012) 431--457.
On the fundamental group of Hom(Zk,G). With A. Pettet and J.Souto. Math. Zeitschrift 271 (2012) 33-44.
Cohomology of toroidal orbifold quotients. With A. Adem and A. N. Duman. Journal of Algebra 344 (2011) 114-136.
Stable splittings, spaces of representations and almost commuting elements in Lie Groups . With A. Adem and F. Cohen. Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 149 (2010) 455-490.
Commuting elements in central products of special unitary groups. With A. Adem and F. Cohen. Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc. (2), 56, (2013), no. 1, 112.
On the nonexistence of higher twistings over a point for Borel cohomology of K-theory. Journal of Geometry and Physics 60 (2010) 678-685.
Escuela de Matematicas