Doctorado UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE COLOMBIA SEDE MEDELLÍN Matemáticas Febrerode2005 - Septiembrede 2011 Familias esférica e hiperbólicamente invariantes |
H. Arbeláez and D. Mejía, On Spherical Invariance, Revista Colombiana de Matemáticas, Vol. 45, (2011), 97-112.
H. Arbeláez, D. Mejía and W. Sierra, On the hyperbolic order, Journal of mathematical analysis and applications, (2014), 693-709.
H. Arbeláez, W. Sierra and M. Chuaqui, Uniform domains on holomorphic curves, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, Vol. 60, Issue 7, (2015), 1015-1031.
J. Arango, H. Arbeláez and D. Mejía, On the Lower Spherical Order for Locally Univalent Meromorphic Functions, Comput. Methods Funct. Theory, Vol. 17, (2017), 273-288.
H. Arbeláez, R. Hernández and W. Sierra, Normal Harmonic Mappings, Monatshefte für Mathematik, 2018, doi.org/10.1007/s00605-018-1235-2.
H. Arbeláez, W. Sierra and M. Chuaqui, Nehari-type families of harmonic mappings, submit.