Escudo de la República de Colombia


InverPep is a specialized database of AMPs from invertebrates. The peptides registered in InverPep are experimentally validated and they were manually collected and curated from another public databases and scientific literature. At present, InverPep has 702 peptides. Each peptide has the following information: identification code, source (phylum and species), name, sequence, length, secondary structure, molar mass, charge, isoelectric point, hydrophobicity, Boman index, aliphatic index, percentage of hydrophobic amino acids, target organisms, experimental verification and external literature with its respective link. Additional information about InverPep can be found in the Help page.

InverPep has been developed by Ecología y Sistemática de Insectos research area from the group Biología Funcional, associated to Facultad de Ciencias from Universidad Nacional de Colombia – Sede Medellín.

Status: 774 peptides.

(Last Update 06/04/17)

Gómez EA, Giraldo P, Orduz S. InverPep: a database of invertebrates antimicrobial peptides. J Glob Antimicrob Resist 2017; 8:13-17.