Escudo de la República de Colombia


Status: 774 peptides.

# of Molecular mass (g/mol) Charge pI Hydrophobicity Boman index (Kcal/mol) Aliphatic index % of hydrophobic
Average 46,024 5037,939 3,914 9,899 -0,196 1,287 81,222 40,646
Median 37,000 4066,310 3,900 10,400 -0,290 1,470 74,257 40,525
Standard deviation 43,447 4681,519 3,676 1,846 0,708 1,272 43,746 12,409

Análisis estadísticos
Fig. 1. Statistical analysis of InverPep. Histogram of peptide length distribution (a), percentage of hydrophobic residues (b), charge (c), aliphatic index (d), Boman index (e) and isoelectric point (f).

Especies originarias
Fig. 2. Pie chart of phylum source of InverPep peptides.

Actividad reportada
Fig. 3. Pie chart of target organisms of InverPep peptides.