Status: 774 peptides.
# of a.as | Molecular mass (g/mol) | Charge | pI | Hydrophobicity | Boman index (Kcal/mol) | Aliphatic index | % of a.as hydrophobic | |
Average | 46,024 | 5037,939 | 3,914 | 9,899 | -0,196 | 1,287 | 81,222 | 40,646 |
Median | 37,000 | 4066,310 | 3,900 | 10,400 | -0,290 | 1,470 | 74,257 | 40,525 |
Standard deviation | 43,447 | 4681,519 | 3,676 | 1,846 | 0,708 | 1,272 | 43,746 | 12,409 |

Fig. 1. Statistical analysis of InverPep. Histogram of peptide length distribution (a), percentage of hydrophobic residues (b), charge (c), aliphatic index (d), Boman index (e) and isoelectric point (f).

Fig. 2. Pie chart of phylum source of InverPep peptides.

Fig. 3. Pie chart of target organisms of InverPep peptides.